The biggest megalodon enemies ever existed on earth
Giant Squid

The “giant squid” is a real-life Kraken. For decades scientists knew they existed but couldn’t get footage of one.
And that’s because they live in the deep waters of the ocean. Too deep for us or our machines to reach without succumbing to the water pressure.
But recently a group of Japanese scientists got the first one on video. And they are really big. The one that was recorded was 43 feet long. That’s taller than a four-story house.
The giant squid is so large and strong that it can easily kill and eat a great white shark. And when I say easily I mean the great white wouldn’t have a chance at all of surviving. They can also win over killer whales which is no easy task at all.
The giant squid is ruthless, slimy, highly, intelligent and deadly. But the truth is we won’t ever see a face-off between these two because the “megalodon” has been extinct for a long time now.

The Mosasaurus was a gigantic marine lizard of the late cretaceous. It lived in what we call today.
The North Atlantic Ocean. It was a carnivorous creature and was insanely big.
The largest species could grow up to over 50 feet long. It had a very strong skull and the jaw was filled with large razor-sharp teeth. It had a very sturdy mid-section and an extremely powerful tail.
They ate anything that crossed their paths like fish plesiosaurs and even other “Mosasaurus”.
So if one of these ginormous reptiles could easily kill one of their own.
That means they could have easily killed a “megalodon” as well.
The only advantage the megalodon would have had is that the Mosasaurus needs to breathe air much as whales do.
So if the “megalodon” was lucky enough to hold it underwater for long enough the lizard would have drowned. The megalodon was slightly bigger at 58 feet long but that mean tail would have posed a serious problem.
Blue Whale

The blue whale isn’t a predator. It doesn’t even eat meat. It eats plankton and krill. Which are basically tiny baby shrimp and larvae of marine creatures.
But they have one important advantage over the “megalodon”. They are the biggest animal ever known to have lived on the earth.
I can’t stress enough how big these magnificent marine animals are. Some of them can reach lengths of over 100 feet and they lay in at 200 tons.
That makes them roughly about twice as big as the megalodon. In other words, they might be gentle giants but I wouldn’t recommend messing with a blue whale. They have an extremely powerful tail.
Strong enough to tip over a huge cargo boat. So if a “megalodon” would encounter one and decided to make a snack out of the blue whale I bet it would be very surprised.
The blue whale can hit the megalodon in the head and completely knock it out within seconds. There’s also the fact that I doubt the megalodon would attack such a huge animal. But if it did I think the blue whale would put up a ruthless fight.

The “liopleurodon” was a large marine carnivore. It belonged to the reptile family. It lived during the middle Jurassic period some 160 million years ago.
They could grow up to 50 feet had an elongated skull a short sturdy neck and four long flippers attached to a very thick torso. It’s estimated that their average weight would have been around 10 tons for a fully grown adult. It was one of the apex predators of the seas that covered Europe.
Although the liopleurodon was significantly smaller than the “megalodon”. And was also quite a slower swimmer it was incredibly powerful. It had one of the best senses of smell
At the time. Which is used to locate prey from very far away.
They were extremely deadly and very efficient predators. It’s not for nothing that they were at the top of the food chain in their natural habitat.
Their teeth measured at least seven centimeters and they had an extremely strong bite force. So despite the fact that the megalodon and the liopleurodon never lived at the same time.

Pliosaurus or commonly known as “predator x” lived from 220 million years ago to 70 million years ago. From the Triassic period to the cretaceous period. They inhabited the oceans that covered modern-day Europe.
They were not dinosaurs but rather distant cousins of living turtles. But they were much more deadly than modern-day turtles.
They had four powerful flippers very large heads resembling a crocodile an extremely powerful jaw and insanely big and sharp teeth.
Pliosaurus was one of the biggest animals of their time and they were ferocious predators. They could reach lengths of over 50 feet. They attacked their prey very similarly to how modern-day great white sharks hunt by stunning the prey and then attacking from beneath.
This technique was extremely effective and deadly. Just imagine a 50-foot long reptile launching at a “megalodon” from beneath.
The megalodon wouldn’t have a chance at all. Needless to say, they were at the absolute top of the food chain. And nobody could defeat them not even the mighty megalodon.