The most dangerous beaches in the world
New Zealand’s Campbell island beaches

New Zealand isn’t as famous worldwide as Australia for its beaches and maybe the reason for that is the beaches in New Zealand are sometimes insanely dangerous. I’m talking about the “Campbell island beaches” where it’s fair to say the waves can get just a little gnarly.
Like ’78 feet’ tall gnarly. That’s the size of a wave that smashed into the southern ocean just off the Coast of Campbell Island back in 2018.
That makes it the largest known wave to ever hit the southern hemisphere which is pretty terrifying. Luckily no one was around to actually see it but a buoy that was floating out in the water was able to record its massive impact.
The champion wave was six feet higher than the previous record-holder a wave that was spotted near Tasmania in 2012. This new wave is a very exciting event and to our knowledge, it is the largest wave ever recorded in the southern hemisphere.
Tom Durant a senior oceanographer with met ocean solutions said 75 miles per hour winds and a deep low pressure system contributed to the formation of this mega wave. And if you’d been at the beach that day it would have been a pretty terrifying thing to witness.
Gansbaai beach

Shark alley is a narrow channel that sits between two islands near South Africa and it is totally infested with great white sharks.
Sound dangerous enough well the beach of Gansbaai lies to the south of Cape Town and is famous as the beach which is most closely located to the shark alley.
The large colony of Cape fur seals that live on the islands is what attracts the sharks. And there’s every chance a great white might mistake you for a seal if you happen to be out in the water here.
However, some crazy people head out there to cage dive and take a closer look at the huge predators. But you don’t have to go that far to put yourself in danger.
Every year there are as many as 10 shark attacks at Gansbaai beach. And many of them have proven to be fatal.
Experts believe that throwing meat into the water to attract the sharks to the cage divers is putting the regular swimmers at risk. Since the sharks start to associate humans with food.
Sunset Beach

Sunset beach on “Saint Martin” looks like the most idyllic beach in the world. A perfect place to pull up a sun lounger plant your parasol and start soaking up some rays.
And a lot of people do just that it can be an extremely relaxing experience. That is until you realize you are on the most dangerous beach in the world. It became pretty obvious that things are a little strange on this beach.
When you’re awoken from your sunny nap by the sounds of insanely loud jet engines and then you look up to see the landing gear of a jumbo jet just a few feet over your head.
the signs leading up to the beach make things pretty clear by explaining that one of the things that could happen to you on this beach is dying. That’s pretty bad. The airport on Saint Martin is tiny. So the airplanes have to come in right over the beach just before landing.
Some people actually visit the beach for this exact experience. Grabbing on to the nearby fence to get as close as possible to the planes as they pass just a few feet overhead.
Hanakopiai beach

Hanakopiai beach is located in Hawaii and is considered an incredibly dangerous beach.
It’s a popular tourist attraction but there are a lot of tourists who have visited this beach and never came back. Because it is notorious for it’s incredibly strong currents high surf and dangerous shore breaks. It also super remote at the end of a trial and has no road access.
So if you get into trouble there well it’s a long way back to civilization.
Between 1970 and 2012 414 people were drowned at this beach. Making it one of the most deadly beaches of all time.
Even experienced swimmers can be caught out by the insane currents here. So it’s probably best to just stay on the sand if you’re visiting this spot. As many as 15 people who drowned here were never seen again.
Their bodies have disappeared into the depths of the ocean or into the belly of a shark or maybe a Huge sea monster or something. The beach is covered in signs telling people to stay out of the water but people like to read signs and then just do what they feel like any way I guess.
Skeleton coast beach

Not to be outdone by their neighbors in South Africa. Namibia has also managed to produce one of the most dangerous beaches in the World and it’s called the skeleton coast.
That should give you an idea of the kind of thing you might find their skeletons. That’s usually a bad sign for a beach.
And it’s actually the skeletons of ships that are the most amazing here with countless wrecked vessels strewn across the landscape.
Some dating back too long ago in history while others are pretty recent.
This is a rough beach to go past in a boat that is for sure. And these relics are visible in the sand. As the sea is moved back further over time. Making this one seriously creepy beach. In fact, the wrecks and ruins have even been used as shelter by humans in this remote part of the world.
Especially during diamond mine prospecting work which took place back in the 19th century here. Not only does this place look creepy it sounds creepy too. As the dunes are said to sing whenever wind goes through them making a strange and haunting song that will terrify you even more.