Strongest dogs in the world
German shepherds

German shepherds stand at the top of the rank of K9 royalty for a reason. They are highly intelligent, loyal, confident, and courageous. They will not skip a beat to put their own lives in danger to defend the one they love.
That is why they are the pinnacle of guard dogs all over the world. They can also be quite aloof with strangers but they are also super affectionate with their ‘family members’.
They are excellent with children making them perfect family pets. But if they’re well trained they will not hesitate to harm intruders as well. They can learn a lot of different kinds of commands and they love to be doing important tasks. There’s a reason why German shepherds are the go-to breed for police work.
They are hard-working responsible but can also run at great speeds and can turn on the defensive mode ‘extremely fast’.
There have been cases of German shepherds being aggressive. That’s why it’s so important to train them well and constantly. If you ever encounter an aggressive German shepherd do not approach it.
Alaskan malamute

The Alaskan malamute is a large breed of arctic dog originally developed as a sled dog to haul extremely heavy freight.
It was bred with two things in mind. Strength and endurance. The Alaskan malamute is very loyal and affectionate. But it is an insanely ‘strong dog’.
It can literally withstand a blizzard-like its child’s play. This dog is a ‘heavy-duty worker’. It is tireless and highly intelligent. They get their name from the malamute Inupiaq people of Alaska’s Norton Sound region.
They rarely bark. Which doesn’t make them the best breed for guard dogs but instead they are quite fond of people and enjoy playing.
And that’s why they are quite sought after as family pets. But people don’t realize how much work these dogs require.
They are used to be put to work so to speak. They are relentless and nervous. And keep in mind these dogs are extremely strong and capable of hauling loads that we can only dream of.
They are still used today as personal sled dogs and it’s the favorite breed for South Pole expeditions. This is a bad dog and it should be treated with great care.

The Akita breed originated in Japan and it is a courageous fearless and magnificent dog. Their breed goes back to the ‘1600s and they belong to Japanese royalty’.
They were used for hunting fowl and to protect their owner from dangerous animals like bears. They are very headstrong and bold but they build very deep connections with their families. Which makes the Akita an excellent guard dog. And also bad news for outsiders.
They have a very dominant personality and they tend to be quite aggressive with other dogs.
That can easily end in tragedy if the other dog can’t defend itself. They’re considered one of the most intelligent breeds in the world as well. Which makes it a strong adversary for whoever wants to harm its family members. They require a lot of healthy exercises and they are hard to satisfy.
As a result, they will constantly be looking for stimuli like playing games or chasing animals. These dogs might look pretty but they’re very dangerous if they are not trained correctly. Always be on the lookout if there is an Akita around.
Doberman pinscher

We all know about the Doberman pinscher domestic dog breed. But did you know where they got their name from?
Dobermans were actually originally developed around the year 1890 by a German tax collector called ‘Karl friedrich Doberman’.
He wanted a fierce dog that would accompany him during his rounds for protection.
They’re both sleek and powerful a perfect mixture of intelligence and agility. These dogs are extremely vigilant and protective.
And they are the eighth fastest dogs in the world. They can run at speeds of 32 miles per hour.
They are one of the best guard dog breeds in the world for many reasons.
One of them is their extremely developed sense of hearing. They can hear sounds from 250 yards away.
Dobermans were even used during the Second World War as guard dogs. Even if they are not the
Biggest breed of domestic dog they sure are quite bad. But don’t be fooled by their elegant appearance this dog can be extremely dangerous if you’re posing a threat to it.
If you ever encounter a Doberman and it shows signs of discomfort not approach it.
Cane corso

The cane Corso dog is definitely one of the most intimidating and big dogs out there. They’re ‘incredibly hard-working and smart’. They require constant stimulus and training so if you don’t have patience and a lot of free time.
This is not the dog for you. A lot of people find this dog absolutely terrifying. I mean they were used as dogs of war by the Roman Empire.
This dog isn’t quite a lap dog. It is an absolute beast of pure power and muscle. It’s a descendant of the feared and huge roman molasses dog and they fought side by side with the roman warriors.
They are excellent protectors and guardian dogs. Their appearance can be extremely intimidating. At a weight of 110 pounds, you’d have to be crazy to mess with a Cane corso.
They belong to the mastiff family and they are considered as one of the most trainable and responsive breeds of mastiff. Opposite to their appearance, they are very affectionate with their families and they are very good with children. But if they see you as a threat well that is a different story.
They can also be very suspicious when encountering strangers.
So if you ever see a Cane corso make sure to be very careful with your gestures.