Moments that show true love in animals. Image credits: DolphC.Volker/youtube
Meet Gabriel and an abandoned cheetah that got rescued by a very kind staff member at the cheetah experience center in South Africa named Dolph C. Volker.
Dolph nursed Gabriel back to health and the two of them developed a very deep bond, not unlike father and son in a way.
Gabriel certainly wasn’t the only cheetah that Dolph took care of during his time at the center but their bond was somehow more special and unique than with any other of the furry felines there.

Maybe one of the influencing factors was that Gabriel the cheetah had several medical conditions that required around-the-clock care and so they had to spend a lot of time together.
But fate was not on their side when it decided that Dolph had to move back to the United States for official reasons.

But after a long year, Dolph had the chance to go back to South Africa to reunite with his feline son. And what’ll happen next will break your heart into a million pieces. As soon as Gabriel saw Dolph he started sprinting in his direction at an alarming speed.
They are after all the fastest animals on earth. And Gabriel simply jumped and hugged his buddy Dolph and started licking his face all over. Just like a cat only bigger and you know a bit more dangerous.