A man rescues a dying wolf and her cubs from a trap.
In 1941 in Alaska, a man set off to look for some gold. But he saw something strange behind some trees. As he was getting closer he realized it was a massive wolf and that it was caught in a trap and couldn’t escape the metal teeth.
He noticed that it was a female wolf because her nipples were swollen which also meant that there was probably a litter nearby waiting for their mother. The man decided to go look for the cubs. He finally found the den and thankfully the babies were still alive but evidently very hungry.
He took his leather bag meant for the gold and placed all the cubs inside to take them to where their mother was still trapped. So they could feed on her milk. But the man knew she still didn’t trust him and if he released her she would probably attack him.

So he looked for a dead deer and began feeding her from a distance. He stayed several days until she trusted him enough to have him approach her and free her. And so he did and he went back to his town.
Four years later when he was in the same area again he heard a wolf howling and he immediately recognized the mother wolf he had saved. And this time her pups were grown and they all came to say hello before returning to the mountains never to be seen again.