Friendship never ends. Image credits: TheDodo/youtube
If you’ve ever had a dog then you know that the bond between an owner and a pet can be so deep that it’s hard to put into words. Now imagine you lost your beloved dog and that someone found him three years later 500 miles away.
Mike had lost his best friend jack a Siberian husky while on a walk in the countryside and since then neither had been the same. They were both extremely sad and depressed without the other.
But one day when mike had already lost all hope a couple of years back he received the most unexpected call of his life. The man on the other side of the line was sure to have found his beloved jack.

But mike wasn’t about to get his hopes up for nothing so just to be super sure. He asked the man at the shelter if the dog had one brown eye and blue the left eye and he also asked if one of the dog’s front paws had a completely black nail. The nice man went to check and it turns out that the Siberian husky was jack.